Postal Address
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin
Charitéplatz 1
D-10117 Berlin
Campus Address
Charité Campus Mitte
Neuroscience Research Center
Hufelandweg 14
Level 01, room 020
what3words (Deutsch): ///akkus.abtreten.gefordert
what3words (English): ///they.coiling.jacket
Fax: +49 (0)30 450 539 970
Email: ecn-office(at)
Consultation hours
Monday, 14:00h – 15:00h (Oliver Mai-Kolerus & Benedikt Salmen) will be present.
You can join via Zoom or come to the office.
Thursday, 9:00h – 10:00h (Katharina Grauel & Oliver Mai-Kolerus will be present.
You can join via Microsoft Teams or come to the office.