Play your way through the possibilities of technology transfer. Your research results are relevant for application, but the numerous options technology transfer are confusing - where should you start? What should you do? In this interactive and innovative game, you as a group take on the role of a research team that is familiarizing itself with technology transfer. With this game we hope to broaden your understanding of the career opportunities open to you. You will experience the various opportunities, added values and pitfalls in a technology transfer case, discuss these in your team and find solutions to ever new challenges. Learning takes place through guided dialogue with each other and "living through" real-life situations, which are introduced into the game. The game is based on an imaginary project, you do not do not need to bring your own project. The Game will be offered in German and in English.
The Serious Transfer Game is one of the modules at the Transfer School TU Berlin. The Transfer School imparts basic and detailed knowledge on the practical implementation of technology transfer. Researchers from BUA partner institutions can take part in the Transfer School free of charge. Please find more information and links for registration to other offers of the Transfer School at the end of this newsletter.