Location: TBD Charité Campus Mitte
Club of Difference and Distinction
You are cordially invited to a second "Club of Difference and Distinction" celebrating diversity in research and bringing together people from various backgrounds working on diversity and gender, heterogeneity, and quantitative diversity research in the health sciences. The team would like to kickstart a regular meetup to discuss current trends and get to know each other better while having a good time. The aim of the meeting is to bring together academics, researchers and other diversity enthusiasts to foster dialogue, share insights and explore potential collaborations. This event is an excellent opportunity to expand your academic network, engage in discussions on diversity issues and make contacts that may lead to future collaborations. At this event, the aim is to create a vibrant and welcoming space. You are invited to share your insights and experiences in research and faculty. To kick off the evening, there will be flash talks, where participants can provide brief presentations about their research projects. Diversity is a multifaceted topic, and while it often touches upon serious issues, the goal is to bring people together. Feel free to forward this invite to persons that you think would like to join.
If you would like to join, please RSVP by March 4th with an email to gender@charite.de to secure your spot.