PIs (<10 years) can apply for the ISTA-FKNE-CHET Young PI Symposium to be held at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) on June 23, 2024, preceding the FENS 2024 meeting in Vienna. This “Transition to Independence” symposium will provide an interactive scientific, leadership, and networking platform for early career group leaders (0-10 years) in the field of neuroscience. The goal is to initiate a peer network, and bring together PIs who will and have recently started their groups.
The first part of the day will focus on science: participants across different neuroscience disciplines will share their scientific expertise, discover common interests, and set the basis for future collaborations. The second part will center around the development of leadership, mentorship and management skills needed to run a successful group. Ample opportunities will also be provided for networking, including coffee breaks, lunch at a local forest hutte, and a dinner reception.
More information can be found here! Applications are due April 30th and will be selected to create a diverse yet complementary group of <60 people representing broad geographic, scientific, and leadership experience and interests.