Angela D. Friederici has been awarded the Wilhelm Wundt Medal 2018 of the German Psychological Association (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie, DGPs). The Wilhelm Wundt Medal is awarded biannually to honor leading scientists for “important contributions to fundamental empirical-psychological research” and “innovative approaches and problem solutions …, that have had a significant impact on an area of psychology and have achieved national and international recognition”. The award ceremony took place on September 18, 2018, in a special session of the 51th Congress of the DGPs, Frankfurt, Germany.
Professor Angela Friederici, Founding Director of the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences and ECN-Member, in Leipzig, Germany, spent nearly forty years researching language. She has carried out extensive research exploring how the human brain processes and acquires language at different stages of development by merging linguistic theory with brain-imaging studies. She is convinced that the ability to process complex language fundamentally differentiates human language from the communication modes of other species.
Press contact:
Dr. Anne Klostermann
Pressestelle DGPs
E-Mail: pressestelle(at)