The international week of the Brain - the “Brain Awareness Week” - took place from March 15th - 23th 2021.
This year the Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin, NeuroCure, the Bernstein Center for Computational neuroscience Berlin (bccn berlin) and the SFB1315 Mechanisms and Disturbances in Memory Consolidation: From synapses to systems presented together with various research institutions in Berlin a diverse program including lectures, workshops and movies for people of all ages.
The BerlinBrains talk with Daniela Vallentin and Fabian Heim was during the BAW 2021!
Link to the talk:
Wir müssen reden? Wir müssen zuhören! - Was wir von Singvögeln lernen können
In one of the well-attended virtual workshop, pupils got the opportunity to talk to a scientist and could ask all the questions about the brain they had in mind and explore how nerve cells work explained in short movies.
We hope that you got the opportunity to take part in one of the events and we are looking forward to next year’s Brain Awareness Week!