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by Linda Faye Tidwell

On Saturday, May 7, 2022, the Career Exploration Day took place at Cabuwazi in Berlin. The event was organized by The Career Development Initiative (CDI) with the aim to inform, network and discuss about different career paths.

Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions you will make in life. How are you supposed to know if you're on the right path? What are the options within and beyond academia? At the Career Exploration Day the participants could learn about different personal career experiences, in areas such as consultancy, pharmaceutical industry, data science, science policy, as well as in academia. 

Besides short presentations by alumni and scientists on their career path and a design-thinking workshop to define next steps in the participants’ personal career development plan, there was plenty of time for exchange and networking. The event was aimed at life scientists at all stages who are interested in exploring their professional options within academia and beyond.


Speaker at Cabuwazi

About The Career Development Initiative (CDI)

The Career Development Initiative (CDI) is an organization run by Life Science master's students, doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows who envision a change in the culture of career development in the Berlin academic community. Defining one’s career is a major challenge, with many unforeseen obstacles. The CDI’s goal is to create a culture that empowers students and postdocs to explore their career options. We work closely with various Berlin-based partners to provide students and academics with resources for individual, scientific, and career advancement. Through setting up programs for mentoring, education, and networking, we hope to provide the stepping stone for our peers to define and take control of their futures.

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