We are pleased to announce that Genevieve Yvon-Durocher, Neurasmus and MedNeuro MSc student won the prize for the best thesis defence during this year's annual meeting of the Neurasmus MSc program. The thesis was done in the lab of David Owald (ECN and NeuroCure) focusing on the role of slow wave delta oscillations in sleep homeostasis in Drosophila melanogaster.
Genevieve described her experience as followed.
'As The Neurasmus program hosts ~35 international students studying in different countries, Amsterdam, Göttingen, Berlin, Bordeaux and Canada, the Neurasmus annual meeting is a great opportunity to gather Neurasmus students, committee members and even alumni all in one place. Second year graduating students got to defend their theses infront of the Neurasmus committee from all of the participating universities.
I really enjoyed my time at the annual meeting. I think it is a great opportunity to learn new things from the student talks as everyone is working on such diverse and interesting topics, that are very different from mine.
It was a pleasure to present my master thesis data I have been working hard on in the lab of David Owald about the role of slow wave delta oscillations in sleep homeostasis in Drosophila melanogaster. With such enthusiastic young scientists and inspiring experts from the Neurasmus committee in the audience, a very insightful discussion of my findings and their relevance took place and has helped me develop confidence in my work which will be very important in my PhD with the ECN. I am very honored to be awarded the best presentation and would like to thank Neurasmus, the international medical neuroscience program and the work group of David Owald for giving me this great opportunity to carry out my masters thesis research.'
While becoming a Neurasmus and MedNeuro alumna, we are also very happy to announce that Genevieve will join the ECN for her PhD studies in fall 2019. We are glad to welcome her!