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by Linda Faye Tidwell

Ten days of research, innovation and international exchange - Berlin Science Week and Falling Walls invite you to a Remote World Science Summit this year. With more than 200 virtual discussion events, workshops, exhibitions and performances, the organizers defy the pandemic and want to promote a deeper understanding of the world. Neuroscientists will discuss, for example, how to deal with dementia.

The Berlin Stückwerkstatt will approach the topic of dementia on the theater stage and thus the questions: What happens when time together is short, when memories fade, when a person drifts into dementia? Neuroscientists Dr. Miranka Wirth and Dr. Susanne Wegmann from the Cluster of Excellence NeuroCure, the Einstein Center for Neuroscience and the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) at the Charité will answer questions from the audience and the virtual audience after the performance.

Among the current topics that will be discussed and presented to the public are also central topics from the field of health care.

It is a predominantly digital platform that brings together the international scientific community between November 1 and 10. The majority of the events are digitally accessible free of charge. For the remaining physical events, appropriate distance and hygiene rules apply.

ECN // NeuroCure Event

Title: „Don`t put your rabbits far from the wood - by Jörn Klare“
: Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 8pm

Where: tak Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg, Prinzenstraße 85 F, 10969 Berlin

Tickets: 5 € plus advance booking fees at

The play is in German with English surtitles, the panel discussion will be in German.

Due to the current situation, only few visitors are allowed in the theater, so the event will be streamed additionally via the NeuroCure YouTube channel

(Link to the stream:

You can participate the panel discussion and ask questions via the following link: (participation code: 41658)

More information:

First she misplaced her glasses, then she forgot a few PIN numbers, and finally she can no longer find her way around her own house. But her daughter finally wants to know who her father was. All her life, her mother has refused to answer this question. Meanwhile, her memories are blurring, threatening to disappear altogether. A touching, funny, dreamily surreal play about remembering, repressing, forgetting and losing oneself. A thought-provoking performance that explores the effects of dementia on the individual and the family, followed by a panel discussion with the production team and neuroscientists Dr. Miranka Wirth and Dr. Susanne Wegmann.

Press Release Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Berlin Science Week 2020

Remote World Science Summit

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