News Reader

by Linda Faye Tidwell

We are pleased to announce the winners of the Neurasmus Consortium Merit-Based scholarship.

After a carefully evaluation of the study performance the merit base scholarships were awarded by the Neurasmus Consortium, among the winners  the following students of the International Graduate Program Medical Neurosciences at Charité-Universitätsmedizin. The amount of the scholarship is 3000 €/student for the 2 years of master and is a symbolic amount that should encourage the students to fulfill their professional goals.

Names listed below according to alphabetical order:

Bonvicini, Gillian

Pilch, Kjara Sophia

Saraswat, Dave

Schweiger, Markus

“Living abroad during the Neurasmus program helped me to become comfortable with environments that are totally foreign to me. Thus, my experience with Neurasmus led me to apply for a clinical rotation in Slovenia this summer, which is at my own expense. This scholarship will help me cover the cost of this rotation, another example of the Neurasmus program facilitating my intercultural discovery and professional development -- even after graduation!”
Dave, Saraswat

"Neurasmus has been a wonderful and unforgettable experience which sparked my passion and shaped my knowledge of Neuroscience. More importantly, Neurasmus has allowed me to study and work in three different countries and enabled me to meet, interact and collaborate with people from all around the world. I’m sincerely honored to have been selected as recipient of the Neurasmus Consortium Merit-Based Scholarship which will be used towards achieving my career goals and continuing education in the field of Neuroscience."
Markus, Schweiger

"Being part of Neurasmus has provided me with the unique opportunity to study Neuroscience and Neuropathology at the best Universities in Europe. This allowed me to perform innovative research during several internships and to acquire intercultural competences, crucial for scientific collaboration.  For me, Neurasmus was a major stepping stone for my scientific career and I am very honoured to receive the Neurasmus consortium merit-based scholarship. I will use the financial support to travel to academic conferences to present my current research and exchange ideas with colleagues from my field. Thank you!"
Sophia Kjara, Pilch



International Graduate Program Medical Neurosciences
An interdisplinary, international graduate program, which leads to the degrees of MSc, Ph.D. or MD/PhD in Medical Neurosciences. The program addresses both students of medicine or of life sciences (biology, biophysics, chemistry, psychology etc.).

Neurasmus Master
Together with Université de Bordeaux (France), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Netherlands), Universität Göttingen (Germany), and Université Laval (Canada), MedNeuro is partner in the Erasmus Mundus Masters Course Neurasmus. This 2-year Master program is funded by the European Union and offers students the unique opportunity to study neuroscience at two or three partner sites.



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Postal Address

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin
Charitéplatz 1
D-10117 Berlin

Campus Address

Charité Campus Mitte
Neuroscience Research Center
Hufelandweg 14
Level 01, room 020

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