Career Development Initiative

Who We Are

The Career Development Initiative (CDI) is an organization run by Life Science master's students, doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows who envision a change in the culture of career development in the Berlin academic community. Defining one’s career is a major challenge, with many unforeseen obstacles. The CDI’s goal is to create a culture that empowers students and postdocs to explore their career options. We work closely with various Berlin-based partners to provide students and academics with resources for individual, scientific, and career advancement. Through setting up programs for mentoring, education, and networking, we hope to provide the stepping stone for our peers to define and take control of their futures.

The CDI works closely with the International Graduate Program Medical Neurosciences to adapt the MSc and PhD curricula to meet students’ needs. The goal is to help students recognize their potential and equip them with the necessary skills to build successful careers inside and outside academia.

A particular focus of our mandate relates to the changes that the scientific landscape is undergoing, including increasing awareness of the importance of open and transparent scientific practice. In collaboration with the BIH QUEST Center, we designed and introduced the "Improving [Your] Science" course to first year PhD students. The course runs each fall and covers topics from experimental design strategies to open science and programming. Course content from previous years can be found here.

We further prepare students for a broad range of career options by supporting the exchange of expertise between students and alumni. Are you a student, an alumnus/a or a recruiter? Reach out to our group via the Berlin Neuroscience Network!


Supporting Individual Development

Career Development Events


Get in touch:

[...] How can we empower the next generation of young scientists to get the job of their dreams? Scientists in academia may be highly successful, dedicated and innovative, but translating skills developed in an academic setting to an applied profession continues to be a challenge. The process of one’s own career translation can be seen as a road with predefined junctions. Like the planning for a road trip, career transitioning needs planning and an idea of where the journey should lead. [...]

Read the full story of our members Sinje Gehr and Craig Garner in Nature Biotechnology!



Learning is experience. Everything else is just information.

Postal Address

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin
Charitéplatz 1
D-10117 Berlin

Campus Address

Charité Campus Mitte
Neuroscience Research Center
Hufelandweg 14
Level 01, room 020

Get in touch

You can find contact persons and telephone numbers on our contact page

Copyright 2025. All Rights Reserved.
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