- Brainstorms and Blackboxes: Why pilots embrace failures while medicine still fears themLocation: Hörsaal Nervenklinik
presented by Captain Christian Winkel and First Officer David Zercher
- EINSTEIN IN THE DOME – DEM GEHIRN AUF DER SPURLocation: Zeiss-Großplanetarium
Herausragende Wissenschaftler*innen präsentieren in dieser Veranstaltungsreihe der Einstein Stiftung Berlin und des Zeiss-Großplanetariums ihre Reise zu den neuesten Forschungserkenntnissen – von den kleinsten Teilchen bis hin zu den großen Tiefen des Weltalls.
- GIRLS‘ DAY 2025Location: Humboldt University of Berlin, Bernstein Center Berlin, Phillipstr. 13, Building 6, 10115 Berlin.More than meets the eye: NRL and the genesis of a simple neuron, the rod photoreceptorLocation: Erich-Hoffmann-Hörsaal, CCM Rahel-Hirsch-Weg 4, 10117 Berlin
Prof. Dr. Anand Swaroop
- Journal Club for Diversity and Responsible Research and Innovation (DRIVERS)
Online via Zoom
- Journal Club for Diversity and Responsible Research and Innovation (DRIVERS)
Online via Zoom
- Journal Club for Diversity and Responsible Research and Innovation (DRIVERS)
Online via Zoom
- Journal Club for Diversity and Responsible Research and Innovation (DRIVERS)
Online via Zoom
Welcome to the Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin
This Center was founded to provide an umbrella structure to foster interdisciplinary, collaborative research; harmonize and combine the many existing graduate programs in Berlin; and improve international visibility.
We want to facilitate further synergies among the different research groups and promote interactions at all levels.