
February 2022

Wednesday, 2022-02-02



"Regression by Composition"

talk by Anders Huitfeldt, Rhian Daniel & Daniel Farewell Odense, Denmark & Cardiff, Wales

Berlin Epidemiological Methods Colloquium

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Monday, 2022-02-07

The rhythm of (tactile) perception - how prestimulus neuronal oscillations influence perception


Wednesday, 2022-02-09

BCCN talks: Thomas Oertner

BCCN Berlin

Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf

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Talk: Self-Timed Self-Supervised Learning in Networks of Tempotrons


Rosa Zimmermann 

BCCN Berlin/Technische Universität Berlin



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Thursday, 2022-02-10

Neuroscience Colloquium


Christian Meisel,

Clinic for Neurology with Experimental Neurology, Charite

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Friday, 2022-02-11

International Day of Women and Girls in Science


In cooperation with Luna Productions we invite you to join us for a screening of the award-winning science documentary

“My Love Affair with the Brain: The Life and Science of Dr. Marian Diamond”

We invite the audience to discuss the film and about being a woman in science afterwards with Dr. Marta Orlando, Charité Berlin and Kim Mason (NeuroCure), Charité Berlin.

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Saturday, 2022-02-12

Brain Awareness Week Berlin 2022


Monday, 2022-02-14

Sexual dimorphism in models of diabetic retinopathy

Susanne Wolf, PhD
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Tuesday, 2022-02-15

Evolution and neural mechanisms of vocal learning


Erich Jarvis's talk will be introduced by Postdoc Fabian Heim and moderated by Speaker Matthew Larkum. Meet-the-speaker will follow for interested students. Please keep in mind that all students can earn a certificate of attendance with an email to our team assistant. 

Link for the lecture

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Wednesday, 2022-02-16



In our “Oh, right, wait, what was that again?” series, we discuss a collection of articles suggested by BEMC participants and selected by the BEMC team to hone in on specific epidemiological method topics. 

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Thursday, 2022-02-17

Neuroscience Colloquium


Towards a neural circuit for decision confidence
Torben Ott, Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience (BCCN)
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Conference: The Free Energy Principle: Science, Tech and Philosophy


This conference brings philosophers and scientists to think together and share ideas and engage in constructive discussion about the free energy principle in this welcoming, interdisciplinary environment.

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ReproducibiliTeach: Strategies to make your research more transparent, robust & reproducible

Concerned about the reproducibility crisis?

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Tuesday, 2022-02-22

Career Day 2022


New Horizons - Career Day for Doctroral Candidates 

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Informationsreihe Schlaganfall - Was sind die Warnsignale des Schlaganfalls?

Servicepunkt Schlaganfall/Virtual

"Was sind die Warnsignale des Schlaganfalls? Was ist zu tun?"

Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Meisel
Link for registration

Wednesday, 2022-02-23

Einstein in the dome: Der digitale OP heute und die Chirurgie morgen


Vortrag des Medienwissenschaftlers Moritz Queisner und Diskussion mit dem Direktor der Chirurgischen Klinik der Charité, Johann Pratschke, sowie Igor Sauer, dem Leiter der Experimentellen Chirurgie an der Charité

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Thursday, 2022-02-24

Neuroscience Colloquium


Replay in the human brain and how to measure it with fMRI
Nicholas Schuck, Max Planck Institute for Human Development
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Growing up in Science - Prof. Dr. Britta Eickholt


The personal narratives of scientists
A monthly online talk-series by Scholar Minds
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Berlin Brains 7: Evolution des menschlichen Gehirns

Urania Berlin/ Virtual

Wie aus genetischen Änderungen kognitive Leistungen werden.

Prof. Dr. Katja Nowick, Freie Universität Berlin

Jeong-Eun Lee, Freie Universität Berlin

Moderation: Dr. Jochen Müller

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Monday, 2022-02-28

Winter School Ethics of Neuroscience and AI


Scientific organizers: John-Dylan Haynes and Thomas Schmidt

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Learning is experience. Everything else is just information.

Postal Address

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin
Charitéplatz 1
D-10117 Berlin

Campus Address

Charité Campus Mitte
Neuroscience Research Center
Hufelandweg 14
Level 01, room 020

Get in touch

You can find contact persons and telephone numbers on our contact page

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