
March 2024

Friday, 2024-03-01

BUA Postdoc Academy: Die eigene Persönlichkeit als Postdoc entwickeln – Stärken finden, stärken und fördern

ZEWK TU Berlin, Raum FH 1019 (Fraunhoferstraße 33-36, 10587 Berlin)

Persönlichkeit wird auch in der Forschungskultur immer mehr gefordert. Postdocs sollen in ihrer Karriere ein Bild über ihre Stärken entwickeln, um damit ihre Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten und Erfolgsaussichten zu bewerten. Persönlichkeitsentwicklung ermöglicht es, Stärken zu stärken, Schwächen anzugehen und ein tiefergehendes Verständnis von sich selbst und anderen zu entwickeln und kann sich damit positiv auf Karriere und Lebenszufriedenheit auswirken.


Ulf Dettmer: The dynamic cellular biology of α-synuclein

Ulf Dettmer, a professor and group leader at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital (Harvard Medical School), is visiting Milovanovic's lab and will give a seminar on: "The dynamic cellular biology of α-synuclein"
The Dettmer Lab ( has been invested in dissecting the dynamic nature of α-synuclein phosphorylation in synaptic physiology as well as in the context of Parkinson’s Disease.
The seminar is on Friday, March 1st at 16:00h in the Large Seminar Room 04.003 in Charité CrossOver Building.
Monday, 2024-03-04

xTEF 2024 Event: "All TEFs Open For Business"

Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus (Luisenstr. 58/59 10117 Berlin)

Join the grand opening of Europe's world-class Testing and Experimentation Facilities (TEFs) for AI, featuring the collective power of AI-Matters, AgrifoodTEF,, and TEF-Health with speeches of Franziska Giffey, Berlin's Deputy Mayor and Senator for Economic Affairs and Christopher Baum, BIH Board of Directors and Chief Translational Research Officer of Charité.
Aptly themed "All TEFs Open for Business", this event is a landmark in the AI landscape, showcasing a significant leap in European innovation and technology. The event is hosted by TEF-Health with Petra Ritter, BIH Johanna Quandt Professor for Brain Simulation & Director Brain Simulation Section, as their group leader.

BUA Postdoc Academy: Souverän vor Mikrofon und Kamera: Medientraining für Postdocs

ZEWK TU Berlin, Raum FH 1004 (Fraunhoferstr. 33-36, 10587 Berlin)

Kurz und prägnant, klar und verständlich, anschaulich und am besten noch unterhaltsam - so sollen Wissenschaftler*innen vor Mikrofon und Kamera auftreten. Aber was macht Forschung überhaupt interessant für Journalist*innen? Wie lassen sich komplexe Themen einfach und verständlich erklären? Und wie gelingt es am besten, die eigenen Kernbotschaften zu transportieren? In diesem Workshop machen wir Postdocs der BUA fit für die Anforderungen der Medien.


Journal Club for Diversity and Responsible Research and Innovation (DRIVERS)

Starting in 2024, the Diversity Journal Club is teaming up with colleagues from the BIH QUEST Center to expand the discussion within a new Journal Club for Diversity and Responsible Research and Innovation (DRIVERS).

On the first Monday of every month at 11:00 a.m, you can join to critically discuss relevant literature on RRI and diversity, paying particular attention to how these topics intersect, and the role of research assessment and its reform. The aim is to provide participants with a sound knowledge of RRI and diversity by engaging with relevant evidence and concepts.

On March 4, 2024, 11:00 a.m. the discussion is based on: Tijssen Robert, Winnink Jos. 2022. “Global and Local Research Excellence in Africa: New Perspectives on Performance Assessment and Funding” Volume 27, Issue 3.

Join at:   Meeting-ID: 957 6165 3396   Kenncode: 487086

Tuesday, 2024-03-05

BUA Career Day 2024

Humboldt Graduate School (Luisenstr. 56, 10115 Berlin)

The next BUA Career Day will take place on Tuesday, March 5 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Humboldt Graduate School, Luisenstr. 56, Berlin Mitte. It is aimed at PhD candidates from the natural and life sciences who are aiming for a career outside academia. More than 20 young professionals with doctorates from industry, consulting, NGOs and journalism/communication will report on their career paths and be available for discussion. More information and registration:

BUA Transfer School: Interactive workshop session: How innovation projects can be developed

AM12 (Hardenbergstraße 38, 10623 Berlin)

Have you achieved exciting research results and would like to apply them in the "real world"? Then a technology transfer project, either to validate your idea or to carry out joint research with a company, could be an option for you. Each form of funding has its own specific requirements, but most also have some basic aspects in common. In this workshop, we will identify your potential funding opportunity by analysing key factors such as the innovation potential, the match between problem and solution and the impact of your innovation.

Register here


Club of Difference and Distinction

TBD Charité Campus Mitte

The aim of the meeting is to bring together academics, researchers and other diversity enthusiasts to foster dialogue, share insights and explore potential collaborations. This event is an excellent opportunity to expand your academic network, engage in discussions on diversity issues and make contacts that may lead to future collaborations.

Read more …

BIH: Patient Monitoring Roundtable

BALTIC Berlin (Invalidenstr. 120 10115 Berlin)

The exchange between clinicians and industry is of paramount importance in shaping the future of patient monitoring. The Patient Monitoring Roundtable will provide a platform for collaborative, interdisciplinary and interprofessional work on new technologies. The goal is to work together on realistic solutions for clinical pain points in patient care. Find out more here!

Topic: "Gemeinsam zur Innovation: Partizipativ implementieren für ein digitales Gesundheitswesen" [in German]

Wednesday, 2024-03-06

ReproducibiliTeach: Strategies to make your research more transparent, robust & reproducible

A BIH-QUEST and NeuroCure workshop to develop practical skills to work on better practices in your own research. Find out more and register here!

SPARK Europe Webinar Series: Drug Repurposing


Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Galenicap, Hans Platteeuw, will give a general introduction into drug repurposing and talk about the pros and cons compared to developing a new chemical entity as drug.

Read more …

Thursday, 2024-03-07

MDC: Single Cells in Focus: Berlin Symposia Series

BIMSB Large Conference Room 0.61 (Hannoversche Str. 28 10115 Berlin)

Symposium Series on current studies and findings from the Berlin Single Cell Community. This time with Elvira Mass (LIMES Institute), Artür Manukyan (Max Delbrück Center) as well as Oleksandra Aust, Nica Gutu and Teresa Krieger (Charité). Find out more here!

Berlin Stem Cell Club

Medizinische Biotechnologie TU Berlin, TIB 13 B-B, 1st floor (Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25 13355 Berlin)

Berlin Speaker: Helene Kretzmer, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin: "Live Brain Tumor Class Prediction From Sparse Epigenomic Data"

External Speaker: Jesse Veenvliet, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden: "Connecting Scales and Spaces in Stembryos"

Find out more here!

Monday, 2024-03-11

BIH: How To Use Directed Acyclic Graphs To Explore Causal Relationships in Meta-Science

Speaker: Jess Rohmann, Institute for Public Health, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Meta-research is an extremely broad field. This webinar series gives a brief overview of common meta-research methodologies and showcases different types of meta-research studies. The talks will help participants to evaluate meta-research studies critically and provide valuable guidance for those who want to use meta-research to improve their own research.

In each talk, the presenter will share a meta-research study that they performed, highlight important considerations for designing this type of study, discuss challenges one might encounter, and specify which design flaws or errors to avoid.

Find out more here!

Tuesday, 2024-03-12

Transfer School: Interactive seminar: Startups from science

EINS (Ernst Reuter Platz 1, 10587 Berlin)

Have you discovered an exciting business opportunity based on your scientific background and are wondering what the next steps towards founding a start-up might look like? This interactive workshop will show you your options, provide you with important information and make you aware of potential pitfalls.

Register here

Blick ins Unbekannte: Die Schönheit und Komplexität des Gehirns

Wissenschaftsetage Potsdam

Die Erforschung des Gehirns ist eine der größten Herausforderungen für die Wissenschaft. Und Dr. Rachel Lippert liebt Herausforderungen. Die gebürtige US-Amerikanerin leitet die Nachwuchsgruppe Neuronale Schaltkreise am Deutschen Institut für Ernährungsforschung in Potsdam-Rehbrücke (DIfE). Zusammen mit ihrem Team will sie herausfinden, wie sich neuronale Schaltkreise innerhalb komplexer Netzwerke im Gehirn entwickeln. Hier betrachtet sie vor allem die Steuerung des Gleichgewichts von Kalorienzufuhr und Energieverbrauch im Gehirn, die sogenannte Energiehomöostase. Dafür schauen die Forschenden direkt ins Gehirn. Was sie dort zu sehen bekommen, ist faszinierend und mysteriös zugleich.

Die Ausstellung wird präsentiert von der NeuroCure Forscherin Dr. Rachel Lippert und ihrem Team. Der Startschuss fällt am 12. März um 14 Uhr, wenn die Forschenden ihre Galerie persönlich eröffnen.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter:

SFB 1315 Lecture Series: Brain Awareness Week Edition

Using prior knowledge to build neural representations, make predictions, and encode memories

Our everyday experiences consist of familiar sequences of events in familiar contexts, and we use our memories of the past to understand the present and make predictions about the future. This prior knowledge can consist of specific past episodes, multiple memories linked together, or schematic mental models that have been distilled from many past experiences. I will present recent work from my lab, using a combination of behavioral, eye-tracking, and neuroimaging methods, on the mechanisms by which we can use knowledge of temporal structure to generate predictions, organize experiences into events, and construct durable memories. Our studies employ stories, movies, virtual reality, and games, allowing participants to draw on their knowledge of the world or build detailed expertise in controlled yet naturalistic domains. These studies argue for a central role of top-down and anticipatory processes in constructing high-level representations of events in the brain and creating durable sequence memories.

About the Speaker: Chris Baldassano leads the Columbia Dynamic Perception and Memory Lab at Columbia University’s Department of Psychology.

Join the meeting online here!

Wednesday, 2024-03-13

ReproducibiliTeach: Strategies to make your research more transparent, robust & reproducible

A BIH-QUEST and NeuroCure workshop to develop practical skills to work on better practices in your own research. Find out more and register here!

Vocatium Berlin Focus 2024 - Messe für Ausbildung und Studium

Max Delbrück Center (Robert-Rössle-Str. 10 13125 Berlin)

Find out about training, studying, internships and more! The forum for:

  • Career choices and educational paths: training, (dual) studies, internships
  • Future careers with a focus on STEM (mathematics, information technology, natural sciences, technology) and health
  • Voluntary commitment
  • Experimental workshops in Gläsernen Labor and a lecture program

The BIH is also taking part! Learn more about the BIH training programs and the BIH dual study program. Find out more about the event here!

BCCN: Blood-brain barrier dysfunction in neurological disorders: Time for translation

BCCN Berlin, Haus 6 - lecture hall 9 (Philippstr. 13, 10115 Berlin)

Speaker: Alon Friedman, Dalhousie University and Ben-Gurion University
of the Negev
Host: Jens Dreier, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
See the abstract here!

Berliner Neurologisch-Psychiatrische Falldemonstration

Die Charité und die BGPN laden ein zur zweiten „Berliner Neurologisch-Psychiatrische Falldemonstration“ einladen zu dürfen. Vier spannende Fälle aus der Neurologie und Psychiatrie im Hörsaal der Alten Nervenheilkunde der Charité (CCM) werden diskutiert:

Die Referenten sind:

  • Fall 1) Moritz Niederschweiberer (Psychiatrie), Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  • Fall 2) M.Sc.-Psych. Henrike Völz (Psychiatrie) und Florian Wildner (Psychiatrie), Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  • Fall 3) Athanasios Christidis (Neurologie), Klinik für Neurologie, Vivantes Klinikum im Friedrichshain
  • Fall 4) Dr. med. Carolin Höhne (Neurologie), Klinik für Neurologie, Jüdisches Krankenhaus Berlin

Im Anschluss sind Sie zu einem kleinen „Get-together“ vor Ort und mit Pizza und Kaltgetränken eingeladen, um den gemeinsamen Austausch fortzuführen.

BIH Digital Health Forum

Berlin Museum of Medical History of the Charité - Hörsaalruine (Virchowweg 16 10117 Berlin)

Join an in-depth conversation on enchanting AI-based Drug Development – What is the tech behind precision medicine?
Thespeakers will illustrate AI technology's role in drug development and healthcare innovation and will put the idea behind it across experts and everyone interested in the topic. This digital health networking event features a panel discussion, an open mic session, and opportunities for open networking. Attendees can enjoy drinks and food while engaging in riveting discussions. It promises a casual yet enriching environment for exchanging ideas, making connections, and exploring opportunities within the digital health sector. Find out more here!

Thursday, 2024-03-14

MPIB: "Shifting Computational Psychiatry from Lab to Life“

Claire Gillan, Trinity College Dublin, will present: "Shifting Computational Psychiatry from Lab to Life“.

Computational psychiatry research typically takes a cross-sectional, correlational approach. This is because longitudinal, and treatment-oriented studies are much more challenging to conduct, especially at the scale that is needed to estimate what are likely to be small effects. In this talk, I will describe emergent methods to remedy this and study variation in cognition and symptoms over time and through treatment. I’ll discuss novel approaches to studying symptom dynamics as well as recent efforts to gamify and optimise mainstay tasks in computational psychiatry that capture individual differences in model-based planning and metacognition. Finally, I will describe how we might take this approach further, interrogating the validity and reliability of a passively-generated and ubiquitous measure of cognition - the digital questionnaire response time (DQRT) showing its the benefits, clinical correlates as well as some important caveats to this approach.

Join the event online via Webex here!

The Pitfalls of Bad Practices in Genetic Big Data and AI

Einstein Center Digital Future, Robert-Koch-Forum & online (Wilhelmstraße 67, 10117 Berlin)

How important are ethical standards for the collection, use, and analysis of personal data by artificial intelligence? Yves Moreau, 2023 Einstein Foundation Individual Award winner, will give a keynote speech on the topic and, will then be joined by Helena Mihaljević, professor of data science at HTW Berlin and Susanne Schreiber, Einstein professor of theoretical neurophysiology at Humboldt-Universität Berlin in order to discuss what kind of educational work is necessary in science, politics and society, who should and can do it and where, and which concrete standards should be agreed upon. Philipp Hacker, Chair for Law and Ethics of the Digital Society at European University Viadrina Frankfurt, will host the panel.

For more information and registration here.

MDC: Talk im Cube: Female Entrepreneurship

BioCube (Robert-Rössle-Str 10 13125 Berlin)

Successful female founders from the Campus Berlin-Buch share their experiences, how they have been able to move from thriving research backgrounds into the world of successful Life Science Entrepreneurship.

Further information

BerlinBrains 2024: Nervennahrung – wie das Gehirn Appetit kontrolliert

Kinosaal Zeiss Großplanetarium (Prenzlauer Allee 80, 10405 Berlin)

Dr. Rachel Lippert
Deutsches Institut für Ernährungsforschung Potsdam-Rehbrücke (DIfE)
Leiterin Nachwuchsgruppe Neuronale Schaltkreise

Robert Chesters
Deutsches Institut für Ernährungsforschung Potsdam rehbrücke (DIfE)

More information

Friday, 2024-03-15

BIH: Incentives to Collaborate: Reversing Productivity Declines in Drug Development Through Open Science

Speaker: Jacqueline Sullivan, Department of Philosophy, Rotman Institute of Philosophy, Western Institute for Neuroscience, Western University, Canada & E. Richard Gold, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, McGill University, Canada

In this presentation, we examine how to structure collaborations to meet the scientific needs of the team, to contribute knowledge openly to the larger scientific community, and to provide incentives that maximize both. We also look at how students, junior scientists and lab directors can more easily participate in these collaborations and share knowledge.

Find out more here!

Monday, 2024-03-18

DRS Workshop: Deep Science Futures

AI Campus Berlin (Max-Urich-Straße 3, 13355 Berlin)

An entry-level workshop for producing a better tomorrow with artificial intelligence - in person

Artificial Intelligence will shape human life and work in our century profoundly. Together, we will explore how AI can be brought to good use for society and individuals.


NeuroPhaseClinic: "Mechanism of Neurotransmitter Uptake into Synaptic Vesicles: Perspectives from Proton Imaging”

Large Seminar Room 04.003 in Charité CrossOver Building

Shigeo Takamor, a professor at the Doshisha University in Kyoto, is visiting Milovanovic lab and will give a seminar on: "Mechanism of Neurotransmitter Uptake into Synaptic Vesicles: Perspectives from Proton Imaging” within our NeuroPhaseClinic series.
The Takamori lab has been vested in understanding how synaptic vesicles are loaded with the neurotransmitters to allow for rapid and repeated rounds of exocytosis. Shigeo was the central figure of the landmark paper that described in amazing molecular details the first organelle (synaptic vesicle), which has become a true textbook knowledge:
Tuesday, 2024-03-19

DRS Workshop: Wirtschaftswissen Kompakt

Der Workshop vermittelt in kompakter anwendungsorientierter Form Grundlagen der Betriebswirtschafts-lehre für all diejenigen, die sie nicht studiert haben, aber damit in einem zukünftigen Job umgehen müssen.


Transfer School: Interactive seminar: Intellectual property

EINS am Ernst Reuter Platz 1, 10587 Berlin

Have you developed an exciting idea or an innovative technical solution to a pressing problem and want to know more about the next steps and your options in terms of intellectual property? Should you publish everything immediately or secure intellectual property first? How long does it take to get a patent and why should you consider this option? Or maybe you're looking for a technical solution to a specific problem and haven't found the right approach yet. In both cases, this course can help you.

Register here

MDC Workshop: Hanna Hörnberg & Niccolò Zampieri

Buch, House 89, Room 2.17

A fascinating workshop by the Max Delbrück Center! This workshop will be held by Hanna Hörnberg & Niccolò Zampieri on "Emerging technologies in behavioral analysis"

Seminar on Errors and Misconduct in Biomedical Research

Hörsaalruine (Charité Campus Mitte, Virchowweg 16)

A talk by guest speaker Elisabeth Bik who works on uncovering and reporting errors in biomedical articles! Register here.

Science relies on trust, but even after peer review, papers may have concerning data. In this seminar Dr. Bik will discuss various errors, research misconduct, reporting procedures, and the rise of 'paper mills' producing low-quality or fake papers.

About Elisabeth Bik
Elisabeth Bik, PhD, a microbiologist, scans biomedical literature for concerns, reporting 7,000+ papers. Elisabeth Bik left her industry job to uncover and report errors in biomedical articles. Her scan of 20,000 papers found 4% with inappropriate image duplications and led to 1,000+ retractions/corrections, earning her the John Maddox Prize in 2021.

Wednesday, 2024-03-20

ReproducibiliTeach: Strategies to make your research more transparent, robust & reproducible

A BIH-QUEST and NeuroCure workshop to develop practical skills to work on better practices in your own research. Find out more and register here!

Thursday, 2024-03-21

Charité: Lecture Advanced Microscopy

Hörsaal 23, Pathologie (CCM), Virchowweg 14

Every semester, Dr. Jan Schmoranzer is holding a 3h lecture on Advance Microscopy. The focus will be on advanced questions in AMBIO: What basic and advanced methods are there? What can I visualize with them? What are the limits?

It is recommended that you took the course ‘Basic Microscopy’ with Jutta Schüler prior this lecture, or you have some prior experience with fluorescence microscopy.

Register here!

Scouting: Detect& Dispatch: 'Develop your idea - creative methods for problem solving'

Digital Lab Eventspace at Charité BIH Innovation (Am Zirkus/Bertolt-Brecht-Platz 3, 10117 Berlin)

If you enjoy thinking about ideas to solve complex problems, this workshop is for you!

Join us and explore creative techniques to develop innovative and targeted solutions with high impact. Learn to identify the elements of a complex problem, visualize them, leverage this information and create targeted innovative ideas. Register here.

CCO: "The systems biochemistry of cell morphogenesis"

Peter Bieling (Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Physiology)

All eukaryotic cells actively establish and change their shape through a spatially diversified actin cytoskeleton. I will highlight current and new directions in our work on the cellular control of actin assembly. We recently reconstituted actin filament assembly from physiological actin concentrations, which showed how core actin regulators such as profilin and formin collaborate to pace the rate of filament growth independent of fluctuating concentrations of soluble actin in cells. This explains why actin dynamics in vivo can be both robust towards changes in global actin expression levels, but remain adaptable depending on regulatory activity. By overcoming the obstacles to the structural characterization of actin filament ends, we determined the first structures of actin end-binding proteins such as formins at their site of activity.  This allowed us to uncover the molecular mechanism by which formins bind to, move with and control the speed of subunit addition at the actin filament end.

Microsoft teams link

Friday, 2024-03-22

NCRC Seminar Charité

Venue: via Microsoft Teams (join here)


  •  MyaLink - remote patient monitoring for Myasthenia gravis: Concept and study findings Dr. med. Maike Stein & Dr. med. Sophie Lehnerer - Klinik für Neurologie mit Experimenteller Neurologie
  • Update NCRC-Services with focus on Biosample Management PD Dr. Tanja Schmitz-Hübsch & Dr. Karin Habermann - NCRC – Neuroscience Clinical Research Center
  • Nutritional Approaches in Multiple Sclerosis – results from the NAMS study Dr. med. Judith Bellmann-Strobl - Experimental and Clinical Research Center (ECRC)

Moderation: Florian Schlagenhauf

MedNeuro program students and Charité doctoral students will get 0,1 ECTS for seminar attendance. Regarding the ECTS, please send an E-mail to right after the seminar.

Monday, 2024-03-25

BIH QUEST: Summer School/Alumni Seminar: Decolonizing Global Health With a Focus on Biomedical Sciences, Research and Education

BIH QUEST Center and online (Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Str. 2 10178 Berlin)

This Summer School/Alumni Seminar is a collaborative event by the BIH QUEST Center and the Master of Science Program International Health (MScIH) of the Institute of International Health at the Charité Center for Global Health. It is dedicated to the exploration of the debate on decolonizing global health and visions of decolonial transformation.
The 4-day program is co-organized by four consortium partners: University of Witwatersrand (South Africa), MetaDocencia (Argentina), Institute of International Health and BIH QUEST Center for Responsible Research. Find out more here!

BUA Postdoc Academy: Publishing and Peer Review

Humboldt Graduate School (Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin, Room: 224)

The interactive, practice-oriented workshop Publishing & Peer Review provides the relevant know-how needed to successfully navigate the scientific publishing processes. The course contents will be adapted according to participants needs. Register here

Meta-Research Methods: The many author (not research) paper: Survival strategies for organizers and co-authors


Speakers: Tracey Weissgerber and Friederike Kohrs, QUEST Center for Responsible Research, Berlin Institute of Health at Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Papers: Dr. Weissgerber and Dr. Kohrs will share lessons learned from leading or being on the organizing team for many author (not research) papers.

Find out more here!

Wednesday, 2024-03-27

Presentation by Daniel Pizzolato "Research Integrity in Practice


As part of the online colloquium of Objective 3 - Advancing Research Quality and Value, Dr. Daniel Pizzolato from the European Network of Research Ethics Committees (EUREC) will discuss research integrity issues and in particular the practical applicability of existing recommendations, toolkits and trainings to promote research integrity at the individual and institutional level, such as those developed in the EU-funded SOPs4RI and VIRT2UE projects. The session will be moderated by Dr. Tamarinde Haven (Tilburg University) and will be held in English. Find out more here.

Thursday, 2024-03-28

CSB Seminar: Artificial Intelligence for Decision Support in the Stroke Unit Setting: Predicting Atrial Fibrillation, Pneumonia and Outcome

This presentation offers an overview of recent advancements in data warehouse-based predictive modeling relevant for the stroke unit setting and with a particular focus on predicting pneumonia, patient outcomes, and atrial fibrillation. We have integrated multimodal data routinely collected during standard stroke workup, particularly focusing on monitoring data that affords automated analyses with high feasibility. Our research has resulted in the creation of robust algorithms to anticipate outcomes and complications post-stroke. Heart rate variability was identified as a key driver of our models‘ performance in all use cases. These machine learning approaches demonstrate improved performance when benchmarked against established clinical scores and highlight a path forward to real-time, prospective validation and intervention in a next step.

Dr. Maximilian Schöls is a physician in training at the Department of Neurology at the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin and scientifically active in the Computational Neurology working group of PD Dr. Meisel. He is particularly interested in scalable approaches to optimize stroke care.

Alexander Nelde, M. Sc. is a physicist with a master’s degree from TU Berlin, specialized in complex systems and nonlinear dynamics.  Within the working group Computational Neurology, his scientific focus is on the development of multimodal prediction models and signal analysis.

Join the talk online here!

CORes Seminar Series: Emerging Trends in Systematic Reviews for 3R Principles


The COReS project started a new seminar series to share emerging trends on systematic reviews of animal studies. The conduct of systematic reviews to support animal research is increasing in popularity and exciting techniques are developing rapidly. During each seminar session, an expert guest speaker will provide insights into their work, showcasing specific tools, resources, and approaches.

On March 28, Dr. Manoj Lalu will talk more about the latest development on the reporting guideline PRISMA-Preclinical. What is the PRISMA guideline and why do we need one specific to systematic reviews in animal research? How was it developed and what will be the next steps?  

Find out more here!

Learning is experience. Everything else is just information.

Postal Address

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin
Charitéplatz 1
D-10117 Berlin

Campus Address

Charité Campus Mitte
Neuroscience Research Center
Hufelandweg 14
Level 01, room 020

Get in touch

You can find contact persons and telephone numbers on our contact page

Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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