
June 2024

Wednesday, 2024-05-29

Brain Body Physiology Symposium

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

The 88th Cold Spring Harbor Symposium will focus on Brain Body Physiology. The Symposium will begin at 7:30 pm on Wednesday, May 29th, and end on Sunday, June 2nd with an evening banquet, and departures on Monday, June 3.

The Symposium will include nine oral sessions (invited speakers only) and two poster sessions (submitted abstracts) providing a current synthesis of the enormous progress in our understanding of brain-body physiology. The annual Dorcas Cummings lecture will take place on Saturday, June 1. Social events throughout the Symposium provide ample opportunity for informal interactions and will include a wine-and-cheese party, a picnic, cocktails, and a banquet on Sunday, June 2nd.

Find out more here!

Monday, 2024-06-03

Grant Proposal Writing


Successful grant proposal writing is a fundamental basis to fund a career in research. There are plenty of national and international funding programs with different funding schemes. Each scheme has its individual context and thematic focus, eligibility and funding rules, submission and evaluation process, and evaluation criteria. Thus, the detailed features and aspects of a successful proposal in one funding scheme are naturally differing from those of a successful proposal in another funding scheme. However, the process of how to work out these details is a common denominator to the different funding schemes. It requires skills way beyond the ability to work out a research idea in detail.

Register here

Fabian Theis: Generative AI for modeling single-cell state and response

MDC-BIMSB | Elsa Neumann room & ZOOM Webinar (Hannoversche Str. 28 10115 Berlin)

This lecture is part of the Systems Biology Lectures Cell Communication: From Cells to Tissues.

The event is taking place onsite and online via Zoom. Read more

Wednesday, 2024-06-05

Preclinical imaging course

Don’t miss out to get an introduction into the use of biomedical imaging for basic and translational research by a great line-up of imaging experts from Charité and MDC! You can find out more here!

Fortbildungsakademie Schlaganfall

Auditorium des CrossOver Gebäudes auf dem Campus Chariteé Mitte (Virchowweg 6, 10117 Berlin)

Die Berliner Schlaganfall-Allianz veranstaltet das Ärztliche Curriculum am Mittwoch, den 5. Juni 2024 von 16:00 – 20:00 Uhr, unter der wissenschaftliche Leitung von Dr. Kathrin Bölle und Prof. Dr. Bruno-Marcel Mackert ein. Das Einladungsschreiben und detaillierte Programm finden Sie im Anhang. Die Veranstaltung ist kostenfrei und offen für alle, die im medizinischen Bereich tätig sind. Auch medizinisches Fachpersonal ist selbstverständlich wie immer sehr herzlich Willkommen. Eine Zertifizierung durch die Ärztekammer Berlin wurde beantragt

Wenn Sie teilnehmen möchten, melden Sie sich bitte im Vorfeld verbindlich per E-Mail an an (unter Angabe Ihres vollständigen Namens und Ihrer Einrichtung).


Thursday, 2024-06-06

17th Berlin Summer Meeting – AI’s Adventures in Genomics

MDC-BIMSB | Elsa Neumann room (Hannoversche Str. 28 10115 Berlin)

Computational and Experimental Biology Meet brings together scientists at the interface of experimental molecular biology and computational biology and connects young researchers with top-level senior scientists.

Registration Read more

Friday, 2024-06-07

8. Berliner Neurophysiologisches Wochenende

Neurologie am Hackeschen Markt

Das Berliner Neurophysiologische Wochenende vermittelt Kenntnisse zur Indikationsstellung, Bewertung & praktischen Anwendung von Untersuchungstechniken des peripheren Nervensystems. Finden Sie mehr heraus im angehängten Flyer!

Deep Science Future

AI Campus Berlin (Max-Urich-Straße 3, 13355 Berlin)

An entry-level workshop for producing a better tomorrow with artificial intelligence.

Register here!

Sunday, 2024-06-09

Neurotrauma Conference 2024

The 41st annual National Neurotrauma Society Symposium, to be held in San Francisco, CA! Find all information here

Monday, 2024-06-10

Second Writing Week 2024 (in person)

Dahlem Research School (Hittorfstr. 16)

Book an entire week to learn about Self-management for the scientific writing process, discuss about procrastination and write - write - write! The writing week consists of blocks in which content is covered as well as writing phases that are organized in tandems. Register here!

How to get into the non-academic German job market! The workshop for international Postdocs

ZEWK TU Berlin, Fraunhoferstraße 33-36, 10587 Berlin, Room: FH 1004

This workshop targets postdoctoral researchers with an international background, guiding them through the complexities of entering the non-academic German job market. It offers insights into job search strategies, application processes, and leveraging one's international experience as a strength. Participants will develop a professional profile, gain an understanding of the job market, and learn to navigate application requirements effectively. The program includes practical application training, personalized feedback, and empowerment through success stories, equipping researchers with the tools to create a strategic action plan for their career transition.

Register here

Wednesday, 2024-06-12

62. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Epileptologie

Vom 12. bis 15.06.2024 wird die 62. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Epileptologie (DGFE) in der Oberrheinhalle in Offenburg stattfinden. Als Tagungspräsident und Tagungssekretärin laden wir Sie hierzu herzlich ein. Das Hauptthema des Kongresses lautet: „Mensch mit Epilepsie – Anfälle und mehr“. Finden Sie hier mehr heraus!

Convincing with your presence - Workshop for confident, authentic and effective presentation skills in postdoctoral research

WBZ FU Berlin, Otto-von-Simson-Str. 13, 14195 Berlin, Room 109

In science, strong presentation skills are essential to convince the audience of your individual research profile. The individual mode of presentation is shaped by diverse factors, but particularly a confident (vocal) expression supports key points of a scientific talk. Especially on the level of postdoctoral research with high responsibilities in teaching and research as well as lots of pressure on individual success effective and authentic presentation skills are essential – most notability for preparing a professorship.

Register here

20 years BCCN Berlin Symposium

Festsaal der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Luisenstr. 56, 10115 Berlin)

Celebrate 20 years of the BCCN with a symposium held by special guests and a former director of the BCCN!

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Preclinical imaging course

Don’t miss out to get an introduction into the use of biomedical imaging for basic and translational research by a great line-up of imaging experts from Charité and MDC! You can find out more here!

Thursday, 2024-06-13

Gremienkompetenz – ein karriererelevanter Faktor für Postdocs

ZEWK TU Berlin, Fraunhofer Str. 33-36, 10587 Berlin, Raum FH 1004

Das Engagement in der Akademischen Selbstverwaltung und die Mitwirkung in internen Gremien oder auch in externen organisationsübergreifenden Gremien der eigenen Scientific Community sind Beispiele für die vielen Arbeitsfelder von (Nachwuchs-) Wissenschaftler:innen. Im Workshop werden aktuelle, neue oder künftig avisierte Rollen und Funktionen in einem Gremium in den Mittelpunkt gestellt. Die Teilnehmer:innen können ihr eigenes Verständnis und die Aneignung dieser Rolle zum Beispiel im Hinblick auf die Anforderungen, Herausforderungen, Gestaltungsspielräume und Grenzen reflektieren.


Friday, 2024-06-14

MDC Seminar: Frank Winkler

Buch, historic lecture hall

An exciting seminar series hosted by the Max Delbrück Center! This talk will be held by Frank Winkler from the Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum.

Tuesday, 2024-06-18

Science pitch training - present your project and succeed in networking

ZEWK TU Berlin, Fraunhoferstraße 33-36, 10587 Berlin, Room: FH 1004 and FH 1005

Transform your research into an impactful Science Pitch for your specific target group. You will be able to connect with people on a personal level and learn about the common pitfalls of short talks. You will also learn how to combine scientific expertise with your personality and passion. As an outcome, you will craft and deliver a series of Science Pitches that resonate with your audience.

Register here

SFB 1315 Lecture Series: "The foundations of learning and memory in the infant brain"

BCCN Berlin, Haus 6 - lecture hall 9 / online

The SFB Lecture Series is a monthly event hosting international researchers to hold talks about Memory and Cognition. See an overview of all the talks and details here!

Wednesday, 2024-06-19

Preclinical imaging course

Don’t miss out to get an introduction into the use of biomedical imaging for basic and translational research by a great line-up of imaging experts from Charité and MDC! You can find out more here!

Going Abroad - Options for Doctoral Researchers

Seminarzentrum FU Berlin, L115 (Otto-von-Simson-Str. 26, 14195 Berlin)

This event is part of the "International Week XXL 2024" at Freie Universität Berlin.

Register here!

Thursday, 2024-06-20

Postdoc Career Fair (BUA Postdoc Academy)

Humboldt Graduate School

This event provides an unparalleled platform for exchanging experiences with peers and experts across various industries, with a focus on non-academic career paths - specifically for postdocs!

Student/Postdoc-Run Speaker Series 2024: Neural Mechanisms of Psychedelic Drug Action

Institute of Theoretical Biology (Philippstr. 12, House 4, Lecture Hall 4)

On behalf of the Neural Mechanisms of Psychedelic Drug Action Group, Dr. Eline Pottie will give a talk titled "In-Vitro Characterization of 5-HT2A Receptor Agonists by NanoBiT Assays" as part of the ongoing Student/Postdoc-Run Speaker Series (SPRSS).

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Saturday, 2024-06-22

41st Blankenese Conference on Synaptopathies

Hamburg, Germany

Brain disorders are frequently associated with dysfunction of chemical synapses – either causally due to functional impairment of specific synaptic elements or as a consequence of other disease mechanisms that disturb the functionality of these highly complex molecular machines for neuronal communication. In many cases, it is difficult to distinguish which of the two possibilities applies, although this information may be very important for potential treatment strategies. The term “Synaptopathies” has been coined for this highly diverse group of diseases. They can have acquired or genetic causes and can be due to malfunctions in neurodevelopment, neurodegenerative processes or abnormal interactions with other body organs such as the immune system. At the 41st Blankenese Conference, experts dealing with these different aspects of the impairment of brain synapses will meet to discuss current and future strategies to discover disease mechanisms and ways to combat Synaptopathies. Find out more here!

Sunday, 2024-06-23

ISTA-FKNE-CHET Young PI Symposium

PIs (<10 years) can apply for the ISTA-FKNE-CHET Young PI Symposium to be held at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) on June 23, 2024, preceding the FENS 2024 meeting in Vienna. This “Transition to Independence” symposium will provide an interactive scientific, leadership, and networking platform for early career group leaders (0-10 years) in the field of neuroscience. The goal is to initiate a peer network, and bring together PIs who will and have recently started their groups.

The first part of the day will focus on science: participants across different neuroscience disciplines will share their scientific expertise, discover common interests, and set the basis for future collaborations. The second part will center around the development of leadership, mentorship and management skills needed to run a successful group. Ample opportunities will also be provided for networking, including coffee breaks, lunch at a local forest hutte, and a dinner reception.

More information can be found here! Applications are due April 30th and will be selected to create a diverse yet complementary group of <60 people representing broad geographic, scientific, and leadership experience and interests.

Monday, 2024-06-24

Meta-Research Methods: How to study something that has disappeared: Tracing research data repository shutdown (Kopie)


Speaker: Melissa Rethlefsen, Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center, University of New Mexico

Paper: Health science librarians' engagement in open science: A scoping review

Find out more here!

Neuroimmunological Colloquium: Alba Del Río Serrato

PhD Candidate Alba Del Río Serrato from the Innate immunity and neuroinflammation, ECRC (Berlin) will talk about “Innate lymphoid cell functionality within the CNS: implications in MS and NMOSD”.

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Wednesday, 2024-06-26

Was kann ich und was will ich? Impulse zur proaktiven Profilentwicklung

Dahlem Research School (Hittorffstr. 16, 14195 Berlin)

Preclinical imaging course

Don’t miss out to get an introduction into the use of biomedical imaging for basic and translational research by a great line-up of imaging experts from Charité and MDC! You can find out more here!

Thursday, 2024-06-27

Student/Postdoc-Run Speaker Series 2024: Neural Mechanisms of Psychedelic Drug Action

Institute of Theoretical Biology (Philippstr. 12, House 4, Lecture Hall 4)

On behalf of the Neural Mechanisms of Psychedelic Drug Action Group, Dr. Jesper Langgaard Kristensen will give a talk titled "Discovery and Applications of Selective Serotonin 2A Receptor Agonists" as part of the ongoing Student/Postdoc-Run Speaker Series (SPRSS).

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Friday, 2024-06-28

Über das Gelingen und Scheitern von Kooperationen in der Wissenschaft


Entlang der Leistungsdimensionen von Hochschulen ist eine umfangreiche Kooperationslandschaft entstanden. Jedoch ist die zentrale Stärke von Kooperationen – die Vielfalt von Kompetenzen, Wissensbeständen und Perspektiven – zugleich eine ihrer größten Herausforderungen: Sie erschwert die wechselseitige Verständigung und somit auch das Erreichen gemeinsamer Ziele. Der Workshop ermöglicht es den Teilnehmenden, die Grundzüge erfolgreichen Kooperationsmanagements zu erlernen.


Learning is experience. Everything else is just information.

Postal Address

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin
Charitéplatz 1
D-10117 Berlin

Campus Address

Charité Campus Mitte
Neuroscience Research Center
Hufelandweg 14
Level 01, room 020

Get in touch

You can find contact persons and telephone numbers on our contact page

Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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