September 2018
by Linda Faye Tidwell
Freigeist Fellowship for Shimpei Ishiyama
Shimpei Ishiyama, postdoc in Michael Brecht's lab, has successfully applied for a Freigeist Fellowship (VW Stiftung). He will receive 1 Mio Euro to continue his research on positive emotions like ticklishness and their corresponding neuronal processes in the brain.
by Linda Faye Tidwell
Award of the Wilhelm Wundt Medal of the German Psychological Association (DGPs) 2018 to Professor Angela D. Friederici
Angela D. Friederici has been awarded the Wilhelm Wundt Medal 2018 of the German Psychological Association (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie, DGPs).
by Linda Faye Tidwell
New FENS-Kavli Scholar
Susanne Schreiber, member of the Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin was elected as FENS-Kavli Scholar into the FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence.
by Linda Faye Tidwell
New generation of pain medications
Researchers from Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the Zuse-Institut Berlin have developed a new generation of pain medications. Using computer simulations, they have designed new opioids that have an effect only at the site of injury or inflammation